2.2. Airfield Manager (AFM) Role[]
The AFM is responsible for the overall management of AM facilities and services to provide a safe, efficient, and effective airfield environment for aircraft operations. The AFM also provides direct supervision and management of all personnel working in AM. Certain situations (e.g., exercises, nuclear weapons or aircraft movements.) require the AFM to be designated as a trusted agent. NOTE: The AFM must not be assigned duties that could interfere with accomplishing the AFM responsibilities outlined in this manual. (T-2).
2.2.1. Minimum Qualification and Training Requirements[] Military personnel selected to fill the AFM position must: Hold the rank of Master Sergeant - Chief Master Sergeant. (T-2). Hold Air Force Specialty Code 1C771 (Airfield Management Craftsman), 1C791(Airfield Management Superintendent), or 1C700 (Airfield Management Manager). (T-2). Possess Special Experience Identifier 368. (T-2). Have at least 3 years’ experience in AM (1 of the 3 years must be working in an AM facility at the 1C771 level). (T-2). Airfield Operations Flight Commander (AOF/CC) and/or local hiring authorities must ensure DoD civilian and contract candidates selected to fill this position possess an Air Force Airfield Manager Position certification (i.e. SEI 368) and have at least 3 years of experience executing AFM duties and responsibilities outlined in 1C7 Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) and this manual. (T-1). NOTE: An approved waiver request to this requirement must stipulate mandatory completion of all AFM qualification training requirements (i.e. AFM and Local Position Certification Guide (PCG), Advanced Airfield Managers Course, AM computer-based training products and Risk Management Course) within 12 months of employee start date. (T-1). The following training requirements must be completed for position qualification: Airfield Manager PCG. (T-2). Airfield Criteria, Airfield Inspection and Maintenance, Wildlife Hazard Management, Airfield Driving and Airfield Management Contingency Operations computer-based training products. (T-2). NOTE: Completion of Airfield Management Contingency computer-based training is required for DoD civilians who elect to deploy. Advanced Airfield Manager Course. (T-1). Air Force Risk Management Fundamentals Course through Advanced Distributed Learning Service. (T-3). Air Force Encroachment Management Introduction through Advanced Distributed Learning Service. (T-3). Local Qualification Training (AF Form 797, Job Qualification Standard Continuation/Command JQS or electronic training record format equivalent), if applicable. (T-3). NOTE: DoD civilians and contractors must complete within 6 months of employee start date. (T-3). Completion of the following courses are highly recommended for an AFM. See Attachment 1 for a description of each course. Airport Certification Procedures Course. Aircraft Mishap Investigation Course. Military Airspace Management Course.
2.2.2. AFM Key Responsibilities[] Plan, organize and direct AM activities. (T-1). Manage the airfield environment to support base, tenant and transient flying operations. (T-1). Recommend qualified personnel to perform as the Deputy AFM (DAFM), Wing Airfield Driving Program Manager (WADPM), NCOIC, Airfield Management Operations (NAMO), NCOIC, Airfield Management Training (NAMT), Task Certifiers and Trainers or civilian equivalents for the AOF/CC to appoint in writing. (T-3). The AFM may combine DAFM, NAMO, NAMT and WADPM duty positions during personnel shortages. Conduct airfield inspections and checks as outlined in Chapter 5. (T-2). Ensure all required airfield signs, markings, lighting and aircraft arresting systems are available and properly installed according to the appropriate airfield planning and design criteria. (T-2). Identify, document and report improperly installed airfield signs, markings, lighting and aircraft arresting systems to Civil Engineering (CE) for correction on AF Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work Request or electronic equivalent. (T-2). Coordinate with Standardization and Evaluation, Safety, AOF/CC, and Operations Group Commander (OG/CC) to determine if markings are no longer adequate to support instrument procedures when markings are obscured/covered with rubber deposits or snow. (T-2). The AFM must provide results to the Terminal Instrument Procedures Specialist and send a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). (T-2). Ensure a NOTAM is sent when a mandatory sign (e.g., Runway Hold Sign and Instrument Hold Sign) has a discrepancy such as missing, incorrect legend, improperly sited or not illuminated when required for night or Instrument Meteorological Conditions operations. (T-2). Develop an airfield inspection and checks operating instruction (OI), airfield inspection checklist, airfield diagram and airfield discrepancy log to establish procedures for inspecting the airfield for safety and compliance. (T-3). NOTE: The OI may be incorporated into a consolidated AM OI. The OI must include the following procedures: Who, when, where and how to conduct airfield inspections and checks. (T-2). Documentation and tracking of airfield discrepancies utilizing the Airfield Inspection Checklist/Diagram and Airfield Discrepancy Log or electronic equivalents. (T-3). Actions required to close or restrict a portion of the airfield from aircraft movement in the event an unsafe condition is detected. (T-3). Actions required to ensure closed, unsuitable or non-operational areas (e.g., runways, taxiways and aprons) are properly marked and published in the Airfield Operations Instruction and the Flight Information Publication. (T-3). AM personnel shall publish a NOTAM to report conditions remaining in effect for 90 calendar days or less. (T-3). Identify when additional airfield checks are required. (T-3). How to report discrepancies and/or hazards for corrective action. (T-3). Procedures and schedule to inspect each active Air Force-owned/operated landing auxiliary airfield as applicable. (T-3). See AFMAN 13-204 Volume 1, Airfield Operations for additional information. Review airfield construction and repair project priorities for impact to airfield operations. (T-3). Use trend data collected from daily airfield inspections/checks, pavement evaluations, Unit Effectiveness Inspection and the Airfield Certification/Safety Inspection Report to support project funding at the Facility Board or Facility Working Group. (T-3). Provide airfield tours and familiarization training to wing and group commanders. (T-3). Training is essential to wing senior leadership’s understanding of airfield issues and responsibilities pertaining to Emergency Operations Center Director, contingencies and deployments. Use a checklist, local form, NOTAM or electronic equivalent to notify as applicable, base/tenant/transient flying units, CE, Safety, Control Tower, Radar Approach or Ground Control Agency facility, Command Post, Fire Department, Security Forces, and Unit Airfield Driving Program Managers of conditions potentially impacting airfield and/or flying operations. (T-3). AM personnel shall disseminate the following: Runway, apron or taxiway closures. (T-3). Parking spot closures. (T-3). Construction projects and/or repair activities. (T-3). Temporary obstructions. (T-3). Wing/Base or Unit level exercises. (T-3). After duty hour opening of the airfield. (T-3). Availability of airfield lighting or navigational aid systems. (T-3). Develop a budget to support AM facilities and services. (T-3). Submit a copy of the budget to the AOF/CC for inclusion into the flight annual budget. (T-3). Develop an airfield operations instruction and conduct a quarterly Airfield Operations Board when no Air Force Airfield Operations officer is assigned to the unit. (T-3). Serve as a member of the Airfield Operations Board. (T-3). Brief AM-related agenda items outlined in AFMAN 13-204 Volume 1, Attachment 2, as required. (T-3). Serve as a member of the wing airshow, open house, civil fly-in, or special event executive committees. (T-3). Evaluate each activity plan to minimize and deconflict any impact to airfield operations before, during and after the event. (T-3). Ensure AM has adequate staffing, equipment and facilities outlined in Chapters 3 and 4 to provide safe, efficient and effective AM services to the base and transient flying mission. (T-2). Initiate corrective actions to include notification of the AOF/CC. (T-2). Process airfield restrictions and closures as outlined in Chapter 6. (T-3). Ensure NOTAMs are processed in accordance with AFI 11-208, DoD Notice to Airmen System. (T-3). Examples for reporting snow, ice, slush and water conditions can be found in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200-28, Notices to Airmen for Airport Operators, and National Order 7930.2, Notices to Airmen, International Civil Aviation Organization Document 8126, Aeronautical Information Services Manual, and International Civil Aviation Organization Annex 15, Aeronautical Information Services. Ensure a CAUTION note is indicated in the Remarks section of the U.S. Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Enroute Supplement when runway edge lights are located more than 10 feet from the edge of the usable runway surface in accordance with the U.S. IFR Enroute Supplement, Section A. (T-3). Conduct a review with the Unit Deployment Manager and MAJCOM Functional Area Manager at least quarterly to ensure AM personnel eligible to deploy are postured correctly. (T-3). Use a Memorandum For Record (MFR), log or electronic equivalent to document reviews to identify all updates and changes. (T-3). Maintain a current copy of the Airfield Pavement Structural Evaluation, Runway Friction Characteristics Evaluation and Airfield Pavement Condition Survey reports on file in AM. (T-3). NOTE: The Air Force Civil Engineer Center Pavements Division has installation pavement reports for downloading at the following website: https://cs2.eis.af.mil/sites/10758/pavereports/module/pavement%20reports/prthome.aspx. Coordinate with wing plans office to ensure exercises or deployments are not planned or executed on the airfield without prior coordination with the AFM. (T-3). Ensure runway weight-bearing restrictions published in Flight Publications are based on current pavement evaluation reports. (T-3). Maintain a current copy of the aircraft arresting system annual certification on file in AM; may be maintained electronically. (T-3). NOTE: AM personnel shall issue a NOTAM to inform pilots of the reduced arresting system reliability when CE reports the effective pendant height has fallen to less than 38 millimeters (1.5 inches). (T-3). Process civil aircraft landing permits as outlined in AFI 10-1001, Civil Aircraft Landing Permits. (T-3). Maintain a file copy of the civil aircraft landing permit and supportive information in accordance with Air Force RDS, Table 10-9, Rule 1.00. (T-3). NOTE: Information may be cross-referenced on the Civil Aircraft Landing Permit (CALP), Validation SharePoint® at the following website: https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/10889/airports/SitePages/Home.aspx Coordinate with base agencies for the determination, assessment, collection and disposition of appropriate civil aircraft landing, parking and storage fees. (T-3). Ensure appropriate actions are accomplished in the event of an unauthorized civil aircraft landing. (T-3). Annually review wing, base and local policies and procedures potentially impacting airfield operations (e.g. Letter of Agreements, Memorandum of Understanding, Operation Plans, Host Tenant Support and Joint-Use Agreements). (T-3). Submit completion of the review and recommended changes to the AOF/CC and OPR. Maintain a file copy of the recommended changes until source document is corrected. (T-3). Recommend eligible AM personnel for skill-level upgrade and the award of Special Experience Identifiers 154, 155 and 368 in writing (e.g., AF Form 623A, On The Job Training Record Continuation Sheet entry or electronic training record format equivalent). (T-3). (See Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory) Coordinate with the Emergency Operations Center on emergency situations or contingency operations affecting airfield operations. (T-3). See AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management Program for additional information. NOTE: During an aircraft mishap or incident involving the airfield/aircraft, the AFM’s primary focus is on the airfield overseeing critical response/recovery operations. Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard Management. Serve as a member of the Bird Hazard Working Group and coordinate on the Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard/Wildlife Hazard Reduction Plan. (T-3). Maintain a current copy of the installation Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard/Wildlife Hazard Reduction Plan on file in AM. (T-3). Brief the Bird Hazard Working Group on issues and trends relating to AM’s role in the Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard/Wildlife Hazard Management Program. (T-3). Major areas of concern include, but are not limited to, problems encountered with base agency support, funding issues, bird/wildlife trends identified during airfield inspections/checks and current Flight Publication entries regarding bird/wildlife cautions. Ensure the following Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard information is published in Flight Publications: Restrictions to flight operations during each Bird Watch Condition. (T-3). Local or seasonal (Phase I and Phase II) Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard. (T-3). Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard reporting procedures for auxiliary fields owned and/or operated by host flying wing. (T-3). Provide the capability to control bird/wildlife hazards (e.g., active/passive techniques) as outlined in the Bird/Wildlife Hazard Reduction Plan. (T-3). Ensure procedures are developed to identify and report Bird Watch Condition as outlined in the installation Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard/Wildlife Hazard Reduction Plan. (T-3). Ensure procedures are developed to report and disseminate the concentration of bird activities/movements on or near the airfield. (T-3). Use NOTAM for Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard for temporary conditions (less than 90 calendar days) and DoD Flight Publications for permanent conditions. (T-3). Examples of temporary conditions are birds following grass mowers and birds in ponds after heavy rain. Information on bird concentrations and movements can be obtained from US Air Force Bird Avoidance Model and Aviation Hazard Avoidance System, local universities, state and federal wildlife agencies, and private organizations such as the National Audubon Society. Refer to AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program and AFI 91-212, Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Management Program for additional AM responsibilities. Snow and Ice Control Management. Serve as a member of the Snow and Ice Control Committee and coordinate on the snow and ice control plan. (T-3). Maintain a current copy of the Snow and Ice Control Plan on file in AM. (T-3). Determine and report Runway Surface Conditions (RSC) and Runway Condition Readings (RCR) as outlined in Chapter 7. (T-2). Ensure AM personnel monitor and coordinate snow removal operations to facilitate aircraft arrivals/departures as required. (T-3). Coordinate with Barrier Maintenance and Radar, Airfield and Weather Systems personnel on procedures to remove snow around aircraft arresting systems and navigational aids. (T-3). NOTE: AM personnel manage snow removal operations in Instrument Landing System area. Coordinate with CE to control ice and remove snow from the airfield. (T-3). NOTE: Snow removed from the airfield must be placed at a safe distance to limit violations of airfield/airspace criteria. (T-3). Remove snow banks with the potential to interfere or impede aircraft operations on runways, taxiways, or aprons. (T-3). Refer to AFI 32-1001, Civil Engineer Operations for additional AM responsibilities. (T-3). Airfield and Airspace Waivers. Coordinate on waiver requests potentially affecting airfield and airspace criteria. (T-3). NOTE: Ensure airfield and airspace waivers are on file for violations to airfield planning and design criteria. (T-3). Review airfield and airspace criteria waivers (i.e. permanent and temporary) with CE and Safety personnel annually. (T-2). Terminal Instrument Procedures, Weather, Security Forces and Radar, Airfield and Weather Systems personnel are highly encouraged to participate in the annual review of waivers and provide technical expertise on airfield support facilities/equipment. Maintain a current copy of all MAJCOM-approved airfield waivers and other airfield-related waivers (e.g., temporary construction, signs, markings, lighting, and weight-bearing capacity.) on file in AM. (T-2). NOTE: AM personnel who conduct airfield inspection/checks will have access to all airfield waivers. (T-2). Will work with CE to ensure construction activities in proximity to or on the airfield, affecting aircraft operation areas or navigable airspace, are coordinated with all airfield users before initiating such activities. (T-2). Obtain a copy of the construction waiver from CE once it is approved by the Installation Commander. (T-3). NOTE: At Joint Base Wings, temporary waivers may be approved by the Mission Commander with Senior Airfield Authority. Ensure OG/CC approval for aircraft to exceed weight-bearing capacity. (T-3). Obtain a recommendation from CE prior to requesting approval from the OG/CC. (T-3). Ensure non-standard airfield systems (e.g., signs, lighting, markings, and arresting gear.) have approved waivers on file before operational use. (T-2). Airfield Construction, Repair and Maintenance. Inspect airfield construction, repair and maintenance activities for safety and compliance. (T-2). Coordinate on airfield construction plans and monitor airfield construction, repair and maintenance activities. (T-2). Participate in airfield construction projects from the planning phase through project completion. (T-3). Attend construction meetings. (T-3). Develop a continuity book, file plan or electronic equivalent to track and monitor the following until completed or corrected: (T-3). Active temporary and permanent airfield-related waivers. (T-3). Airfield construction project plans and drawings. (T-3). Airfield construction meeting minutes. (T-3). Coordinate on all airfield construction projects potentially impacting airfield operations. (T-3). Develop procedures (normally in the Airfield Operations Instruction, construction contract and/or safety plan) to monitor and track contractors working on or near the airfield. (T-3). Establish vehicle routes to and from airfield construction areas and procedures for site maintenance, daily cleanup, waste control, material and equipment storage. (T-3). Outline most direct vehicle route for contractors to use to minimize potential impact to aircraft operations. (T-3). Ensure airfield construction contracts contain airfield driving and safety requirements for contractors. (T-3). Participate in the final inspection of construction projects prior to accepting project completion. (T-3). Review Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-260-01, Appendix B, Section 14 and FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-2, Operational Safety on Airports During Construction, (FAA Advisory Circular located at the following website: https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/advisory_circulars/) as appropriate, prior to the start of any construction projects on the airfield for the minimum operational safety requirements. (T-3). Ensure construction areas are properly marked, lighted and closed to aircraft/vehicles, as required, in accordance with UFC 3-260-04, Standard Airfield Pavement Marking Schemes. (T-3). NOTE: Airfield lighting circuits located within closed construction areas must be turned off and barricades properly sited to prevent inadvertent access. (T-3). Coordinate with CE, Fire Department, Security Forces, Terminal Instrument Procedures, Aircraft Maintenance, operations community (e.g., Flying squadron(s), Scheduling, Standardization and Evaluation) and tenant flying units as applicable, to determine the impact of proposed airfield construction and repair projects on flying operations, airfield security operations, and Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting capability. (T-3). Review the FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration prior to the start of construction. (T-3). This requirement does not apply to overseas locations not under the FAA authority. FAA Forms are located at the following website: https://www.faa.gov/forms/. Aircraft Parking Plans and Special Operations Areas/Ramps. Serve as primary OPR and coordinate with CE and Aircraft Maintenance for development of aircraft parking plans. (T-3). Maintain a current copy of aircraft parking plans (e.g., unclassified, classified) on file in AM. (T-3). Annually review and coordinate on aircraft parking plans for compliance with airfield planning and design criteria in UFC 3-260-01, AFMAN 32-1084, Standard Facility Requirements or applicable host nation criteria (e.g., International Civil Aviation Organization and North Atlantic Treaty Organization.). (T-3). Submit recommended changes to the AOF/CC and maintain a file copy of the recommended changes until source document is corrected. (T-3). Coordinate with CE, Security Forces, Safety, Transient Alert, Maintenance Operations Coordination Center and Wing Plans Office to develop aircraft parking plans for base assigned/transient aircraft and base support plans. (T-3). Coordinate with CE, Security Forces, Safety, Fire Department, Fuels Control, Transient Alert, Maintenance Operations Coordination Center and Wing Plans Office to develop short-term aircraft parking plans for distinguished visitors, contingencies, exercises, static displays, airshows and other special airfield projects. (T-3). Coordinate with CE, Security Forces, Safety, Fire Department, Fuels Control, Transient Alert, Maintenance Operations Coordination Center and flying units to designate areas for Engine Run-up, Drag Chute Jettison, Hot Pit Refueling, loading, unloading, arming and de-arming of aircraft with hazardous cargo and/or live armament (e.g., guns, missiles, and bombs.). (T-3). Criteria to consider for designating these areas include but is not limited to security, safety of operations, airfield design to protect imaginary surfaces, apron lighting, water/fire hydrants, location of aircraft grounding points and access for Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting personnel and equipment. (See UFC 3-260-01, Air Force Joint Instruction 11-204, Operational Procedures for Aircraft Carrying Hazardous Materials and DESR 6055.09_AFMAN 91-201, Explosives Safety Standards) Maintain a current copy of the Explosive Safety Quantity Distance map on file in AM. (T-3). Coordinate with Civil Engineers to: Establish a CE airfield maintenance team to perform required maintenance and repair activities and monitor pavement deterioration. (T-3). Develop a runway rubber removal and painting plan and maintain a current copy on file in AM. (T-3). Paint and rubber removal is considered satisfactory when 85% of the rubber or paint is removed. (See Unified Facilities Guide Specifications 32 01 11.51, Rubber and Paint Removal from Airfield Pavements, Section 3, Compliance Testing) When excessive rubber deposits build up on the runway, publish a NOTAM (if not already addressed in the DoD Flight Publications) advising aircrews a potential for reduced braking capability and/or directional control exist, particularly during wet RSC and include applicable airfield restrictions. (T-3). Conduct runway friction testing in accordance with Tri-Service Pavement Working Group Manual 3-270-01.04-10, Determining the Need for Runway Rubber Removal. (T-3). Remove built-up rubber deposits when any of the following conditions exist or occur: Runway markings (e.g., centerline, threshold, and touchdown.) are obscured due to rubber build-up. (T-3). Notified by CE the runway friction value is less than the Action/Planning Levels in Tri-Service Pavements Working Group Manual 3-270-01.04-10, Chapter 2. (T-3). Use Risk Management when AFM, Safety and OG/CC determine it is necessary due to potential or actual operational impact. Consider all factors when making the assessment such as pilot reported concerns and type of aircraft operations. (T-3). Correct discrepancies and/or hazards involving airfield signs, markings, lighting, aircraft arresting systems and pavements. (T-3). (Reference UFC 3-535-01, Visual Air Navigation Facilities, AFMAN 32-1041, Pavement Evaluation Program, UFC 3-260-04, AFMAN 32-1040, Civil Engineer Airfield Infrastructure Systems, or applicable host-nation criteria (e.g., International Civil Aviation Organization and North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Develop a local operating procedure (LOP) for CE personnel to report airfield lighting systems reliability/outages to AM. (T-3). Provide accurate runway weight-bearing restrictions. (T-3). Obtain the status and results of aircraft arresting systems inspections, maintenance and certifications. (See AFMAN 32-1040). (T-3). Place frangible signs specifying the correct elevations near the takeoff end of the affected runway when runway end elevations differ by 25 feet from the published field elevations. (See AFMAN 11-202 Volume 3, Flight Operations and UFC 3-535-01) (T-3). Coordinate with Safety on programs for: Bird/Wildlife Hazard Management. (See AFI 91-202 and AFI 91-212) (T-3). Designating parking, loading and servicing of aircraft with hazardous cargo or live armament handling (e.g., guns, missiles and bombs). (See Air Force Joint Instruction 11-204, and DESR 6055.09_AFMAN 91-201) (T-3). Developing and applying Operation Plans to respond to aircraft incidents or accidents, in-flight emergencies and similar disasters on- or off-base. (T-3). Determining risk assessment codes and applying risk management principles for hazardous airfield conditions. (T-3). Airfield Management Quality Assurance. Join the AFFSA/XA SharePoint® website. (T-3). Conduct an annual self-assessment of AM functions and services using the Self-Assessment Communicators loaded into Management Internal Control Toolset. (T-3). Review and compare MAJCOM newsletters, AFFSA/XA Trend and Analysis Reports, mishap investigation results, AFFSA/XA and MAJCOM e-mails. (T-3). Evaluate these items to determine local applicability and initiate corrective actions as required. (T-3).